How do I get to the root of my fear?


How do you get to the root of your fear?

"To overcome something once and for all means going within yourself to discover the real causes of the disturbance. This process or discovery will allow you more energy, which you can use to create the things you want in this life." ~ Stuart Wilde, Miracles

With random violence, terrorist attacks and threats of nuclear war in each day’s news, the reasons to feel afraid seem to be compounding. Our collective fear of what is happening in the world is not unfounded and it is true that life can shift dramatically in any moment. But I don't want to live in fear, so when I feel this emotion arising in the form of worry, anxiety or restlessness, I invite it into the light of awareness. I ask myself, "What are you really afraid of?" And then I look deeper to see if there is something besides the presenting fearful situation or thought.

(Learning more about The Nature of Fear may also be helpful to you.)

What I have consistently discovered through this self-inquiry is that my greatest fear is actually living inside fear itself, allowing it to inform my choices and my daily life. If I spend time and energy ruminating about what bad things could happen, I trap myself and eventually collapse in a feeling of helplessness or hopelessness. This makes me unable to live the life of love that I choose to live.

So when any fear comes up for me, whether personal or related to current world events, I know now that at the root of it is simply the fear of fear itself. If I am afraid of failure, or financial lack, or my own power or lack thereof; beneath all of these is the bigger fear of living a fear-based life.

I absolutely know that I do not want fear as the basis for my life. So I choose not to have an antagonistic relationship with fear. I choose to befriend it; and invite it to show me where I need to grow stronger in my convictions, in my willingness to serve and in my love. When I do this, fear is no longer an enemy working against me. It is my teacher working for me. As I courageously walk into loving action through my fears, I create the peaceful, love-based life I choose to live.

(Continue reading about How to Choose Love Over Fear With Each Thought.)

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Written by Jennie Lee
Profile Picture of Jennie Lee
Jennie Lee is an author and Certified Yoga Therapist with 20 years experience teaching Classical Yoga & Meditation. Author of Breathing Love: Meditation in Action and True Yoga: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness and Spiritual Fulfillment, she is a compassionate coach for students who want to apply the deeper teachings of yoga to their goals and challenges on and off the mat. Her writing has been featured in Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Therapy Today and more. She coaches on the island of O'ahu, and by phone or Skype internationally.