
Last Updated: September 2, 2017

Definition - What does Anahatasana mean?

Anahatasana is a heart-opening yoga pose that energizes the whole body. The name is derived from the Sanskrit, anahata, meaning "heart," and asana, meaning "pose."

To enter the pose, begin in table pose. Walk the hands forward until the chest reaches the floor. Keep the hips above the knees and place the forehead on the floor. Remain in the pose for one minute.

Anahatasana may also be referred to as heart chakra pose in English.


Yogapedia explains Anahatasana

Practicing anahatasana improves posture, expands the chest, supports heart and lung function and promotes circulation.

Physical benefits aside, anahatasana offers amazing mental benefits. It promotes the "let go" attitude, develops compassion, promotes harmony, elevates the mood and helps to achieve a sense of inner calm.

Anahatasana stimulates the anahata chakra. A balanced anahata chakra promotes one's mind to a higher state where selfless love reigns supreme.

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