
Last Updated: October 2, 2017

Definition - What does Fascia mean?

Fascia is the connective tissue interwoven throughout the body. More specifically, it is the framework of fibrous tissue that supports muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, bones and the body as a whole. Yoga asana practice that is varied and targets different groups of muscles is one of the best ways to promote the health of fascia in the body.

Yogapedia explains Fascia

While yoga can benefit fascia on a physical level through asana practice, the mind-body connection is also key to yoga's role in maintaining a healthy fascia system and gradually improving less-than-healthy fascia. It's a snowball effect: Stress and emotional upset affect the body's nervous system, which in turn affects the physical body in many ways, including tense muscles and poor posture. The tense muscles and poor posture create an increased risk of injury.

Yoga meditation relaxes the mind, thereby also positively affecting the fascia. Asana practice that focuses on postures that calm the mind affect fascia through the mind-body connection, while also providing a direct physical benefit. To address the fascia directly, try sustained stretches and hold postures for several minutes to relax the muscles, after which the fascia begins to stretch and release.

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