Half Pyramid Pose

Last Updated: September 16, 2017

Definition - What does Half Pyramid Pose mean?

Half pyramid pose is a modified version of pyramid pose and has several variations. In one version, the legs are firmly grounded into the mat, with the legs separated into a wide "V," the feet pointing in the same direction, and the torso facing the mat. The torso is then lowered toward the front leg by hinging at the hips with the back straight. The hands stay on the hips or brought to a wall directly in front of the foot. In this asana, the gaze is toward the third eye.

The Sanskrit name for half pyramid pose is ardha parsvottanasana.

Half Pyramid Pose

Yogapedia explains Half Pyramid Pose

Although variations of half pyramid pose are considered less challenging than pyramid pose, it still provides a powerful stretch for the body and a wide range of health benefits, including:

  • Improves digestion
  • Stretches the legs
  • Lengthens the back of the body
  • Calms the mind
  • Strengthens the nervous system

Yoga props that may be used in this asana include a folded blanket under the knees and a yoga block under the hands.

This asana can be combined in a vinyasa sequence with low lunge, low warrior one and half prayer twist.

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