Half Wheel Pose

Last Updated: November 25, 2019

Definition - What does Half Wheel Pose mean?

Half wheel pose is a yoga posture that can be practiced as an introduction to full wheel pose. It allows the body to experience the benefits of backbends, while building the strength and flexibility required for deeper backbends. Half wheel pose also offers a range of physical benefits by stretching and strengthening the muscles, and simulating the abdominal organs.

This pose is assumed from a standing position. The hands are placed on the lower back, then the body is arched to open the chest upward and create a bend in the back. More advanced practitioners can choose to extend the arms backward as they stretch, creating a deeper backbend.

The Sanskrit name for half wheel pose is ardha chakrasana.

ardha chakrasana half wheel pose yoga asana

Yogapedia explains Half Wheel Pose

Half wheel pose is already considered an intermediate posture because of the level of flexibility required in the torso, and the strength and stability needed to remain upright in the posture.

This pose is beneficial for the body in a number of ways. It provides a powerful stretch for the front of the body, releasing the muscles of the chest and abdomen. At the same time, it strengthens the muscles of the back and the core, supporting the body in the backbend. It can even help improve posture and create a healthier spinal alignment by counteracting the effects of slouching during the day.

Half wheel pose is also thought to work internally, toning and stimulating the abdominal organs and improving digestive, excretory and respiratory function. It is also reputed to help with menstrual discomfort and pain.

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