
Last Updated: February 6, 2018

Definition - What does Handstand mean?

The handstand is an advanced yoga inversion wherein the practitioner balances on the hands. In addition to improving balance, this pose fosters core strength, refreshes the mind and energizes the body.

To perform a handstand, begin in downward-facing dog pose. Walk toward the hands until the torso is nearly vertical, then kick the legs up. With a firm core and strong arms, the body extends upward as the individual balances entirely on the hands. The legs are kept activated, stretching toward the ceiling and lengthening the body.

Handstand pose is called adho mukha vrksasana in Sanskrit.


Yogapedia explains Handstand

Practicing handstand pose has many benefits, including:

  • Improves balance
  • Strengthens the hands and wrists
  • Promotes core strength
  • Strengthens spine and bones
  • Improves digestion
  • Stimulates lung function
  • Improves circulation
  • Aids in heart health

In addition to these physical benefits, performing a handstand boosts the practitioner's confidence level, alleviates stress and improves focus. The inverted blood flow soothes the nervous system, promoting a feeling of calm and balance.

Handstand pose should be followed with a resting pose, such as child's pose (balasana). Beginners and those with limited balance can practice this pose near a wall to use it as support until they master the pose.

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