Jennie Lee Yoga Therapy

Jennie Lee is a Yoga Therapist with 20 years experience teaching Classical Yoga & Meditation. Author of True Yoga: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness and Spiritual Fulfillment. she is known for her humor and straightforward teaching style. She relies upon the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras to overcome difficulties in her own life, and is a compassionate coach for students who want to apply the deeper teachings of yoga to their goals and challenges on and off the mat. Her writing has been featured in Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Therapy Today and more. She coaches on the island of O'ahu, and by phone or Skype internationally.
Recent Articles on Yogapedia by Jennie Lee
woman smiling in front of blue lights

4 Steps to Making Your Shakti Shimmer

Shakti is the creative force of the universe. Here's why you need more of this divine feminine energy in your life and four ways to get it glowing.

What Makes a Mantra?

The words we repeat to ourselves everyday become a sort of mantra; so, make sure they are positive ones by learning more about the traditional meaning of mantras and why these sacred syllables matter to you!

What Is the True Meaning of Yoga?

The true meaning of yoga is union with universal consciousness. Learn how the various limbs of yoga, pranayama, asana, and meditation, all work together to bring us closer to this Divine union.

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