Katherine Winge

Through years of yoga studies, practice, teaching and personal injury recovery, Katherine has found that attention to alignment, modifications and a non-competitive attitude are key components to health and wellness.

Katherine enjoys teaching yoga in different forms, to a wide variety of students. What all her classes have in common are: breath, awareness, self-kindness and curiosity. Katherine’s desire as a teacher, is for students to leave class with an increased sense of wholeness, balance, relaxation and awareness.aqua yoga, hatha yoga, dharma, meditation, art, science
Recent Articles on Yogapedia by Katherine Winge

Try Aqua Yoga This August, Then Soak in the 5 Yamas (Commitments) of Yoga

Curious about Aqua yoga? Discover what this new style of yoga can teach us about the principles of yoga and how we can learn to use it to develop a greater sense of self-compassion.

See all work by Katherine Winge

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