Parivrtta Eka Pada Rajakapotasana B

Last Updated: August 27, 2018

Definition - What does Parivrtta Eka Pada Rajakapotasana B mean?

Parivrtta eka pada rajakapotasana B is a low lunge with a twist that is a variation of the rajakapotasana series of hip-opening back bends. The name comes from the Sanskrit parivrtta, which translates as “twisted” or “revolved”; eka, meaning "one"; pada, which means "foot" or "leg"; raja, which means "king"; kapota, meaning "pigeon"; and asana, which is a "posture” or “pose."

The yogi begins with the lower body in eka pada rajakapotasana A position, a low lunge with the back knee resting on the ground and the foot pointing to the sky. To complete the pose, the yogi twists at the waist and the opposite hand grabs the upraised foot. The other hand rests on the ground for balance and to enhance the twist.

In English, this intermediate asana is known as revolved one-legged king pigeon pose B.

Parivrtta Eka Pada Rajakapotasana B

Yogapedia explains Parivrtta Eka Pada Rajakapotasana B

In parivrtta eka pada rajakapotasana B, the drishti is over the shoulder of the arm that is reaching back or toward the sky. As a twisting asana, it is believed to open the manipura (navel) chakra, which boosts metabolism, improves digestion, and has transforming properties, such as building self-esteem and confidence. The asana also opens the heart center, or anahata chakra. Anahata is associated with acceptance, love, forgiveness and compassion.

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