Parsva Bhuja Dandasana

Last Updated: October 5, 2017

Definition - What does Parsva Bhuja Dandasana mean?

Parsva bhuja dandasana is an advanced side arm-balancing posture commonly known as dragonfly pose. From Sanskrit, it translates literally to "side arm staff pose" or "side arm stick pose."

This posture is best suited for experienced yogis who have developed openness in their hips as well as strength in their core and shoulders. A challenging posture, it requires patience and time to master. Achieving the pose can boost confidence and help yogis connect with their inner strength and help them deepen their body awareness. It is also said to be a very cleansing pose.

Parsva Bhuja Dandasana

Yogapedia explains Parsva Bhuja Dandasana

Parsva bhuja dandasana should be practiced mindfully, staying connected with the breath. It can be particularly useful for developing mindfulness as entering and exiting the pose requires focus and control. The challenging balance makes it a good posture for building mind-body connection, awareness and concentration.

This posture, like many advanced arm balances, can be helpful for teaching a more lighthearted and fun approach to yoga practice.

Parsva bhuja dandasana is associated with activating and balancing the muladhara, or root chakra. Working with this chakra is thought to cultivate feelings of security, safety and groundedness.

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