
Last Updated: November 17, 2015

Definition - What does Samasthiti mean?

Samasthiti is a simple standing asana, with the feet together and the body upright. There are variations within different styles of yoga about the precise nature of samasthiti, but it is often used as an alternative name for tadasana.

It is performed at the beginning and ending of the surya namaskara sequence and, as such, is a key posture for almost all yoga practices.

This is a good asana for cultivating stillness, strength and a sense of relaxed power. It can be performed between other asanas to allow the mind and body to absorb the benefits of the previous asana and prepare for the next one.

Samasthiti is also known as mountain pose in English.

Yogapedia explains Samasthiti

Samasthiti comes from the Sanskrit root words sama, meaning “same,” “equal” or “upright,” and sthiti, meaning “to establish” or “to stand.”

In certain styles of yoga, samasthiti varies from tadasana. For example, in Vinyasa Krama Yoga, samasthiti is performed with the heels grounded, whereas tadasana is performed with the heels lifted, balancing on the toes. Other schools state that although the anatomical position is the same in both asanas, tadasana is a pose, while samasthiti is more of a command of attention, bringing you into the present moment.

Samasthiti is both physically and mentally a grounding pose, and can be used to cultivate a connection with the earth. It can be deepened by closing the eyes to challenge the balance further. In Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, the drishti for samasthiti is the end of the nose, or nasagra drishti, which helps to make the pose more introspective.

All three bandhas - uddiyana, mula and jalandhara - can be engaged during samasthiti.

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