Scale Pose

Last Updated: March 12, 2018

Definition - What does Scale Pose mean?

Scale pose is an advanced arm balancing yoga posture that requires flexibility in the hips and core, as well as upper body strength.

To enter this pose, the yogi begins in lotus pose (padmasana). The hands are grounded beside the hips, and the body is lifted off the floor using the strength of the arms and the abdominal muscles. Once the body is suspended, it can swing gently forward and backward between the arms like a scale.

The Sanskrit name for this pose is tolasana.

Yogapedia explains Scale Pose

Scale pose is a strong pose that both requires and develops strength in many parts of the body. This includes strengthening the muscles of the arms, wrists, shoulders and abdomen. In addition, it requires flexibility in the hips to be able to place the legs safely in lotus pose without twisting the knees. It is also said to be beneficial on a physical level for stimulating the abdominal organs, thus improving digestion.

Scale pose can be modified if lotus pose is not attainable, by practicing in half lotus. This variation is almost the same posture, except that the lower leg will remain on the ground, which helps to teach the feeling of the full pose without placing excessive strain on the body.

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