Siddhanta Sravana

Definition - What does Siddhanta Sravana mean?

Siddhanta sravana is a Sanskrit term that refers to studying scriptures and listening to great teachers. It is sometimes translated as “listening to the ultimate truth.” Siddhanta means “doctrine,” “rule” or “dogma,” while sravana means “the act of hearing.”

In the context of Hindu and yoga philosophy, siddhanta sravana is one of the niyamas included in traditions that use an expanded list of these duties or moral observances. While the Yoga Sutras and Patanjali's eight-limbed path lists five niyamas, other sources such as the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" and Shandilya and Varuha Upanishads include 10.

Yogapedia explains Siddhanta Sravana

Siddhanta sravana is more than just simply studying of the scriptures and the wisdom of the gurus: It is delving into and reflecting on the nature of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, and gaining inner knowledge.

In addition to siddhanta sravana, the longer lists of niyamas often include:

  • Santosa (contentment/acceptance of circumstances)
  • Svadhyaya (self-study)
  • Tapa (penance, perseverance or austerity)
  • Astikya (faith in the higher Self or God)
  • Dana (generosity or charity)
  • Isvarapujana (worship of the supreme being)
  • Mati (spiritual intelligence or willpower)
  • Japa (incantation or reciting mantras)
  • Hri (modesty or humility)

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