Standing Half Lotus Pose

Definition - What does Standing Half Lotus Pose mean?

Standing half lotus pose is a hip-opening standing yoga posture that improves balance. It builds strength and tone in the abdominal muscles as they engage to support balance. It also requires hip mobility in order to bring the leg into half lotus pose.

Standing half lotus pose is a more advanced variation of tree pose, in which the lifted leg is brought into half lotus pose with the foot or ankle resting on the front of the opposite thigh and the hip in external rotation. One arm can be brought behind the back to bind with the foot in front.

Standing half lotus pose may also be referred to by its Sanskrit name, ardha padmasana vrksasana.

Standing Half Lotus Pose

Yogapedia explains Standing Half Lotus Pose

The many reported benefits of this somewhat challenging pose include:

  • Boosts proprioception and balance
  • Stretches the hips and gluteal muscles
  • Strengthens the legs
  • Regulates the lymphatic system

Standing half lotus pose can also be modified with different arm positions by either bringing the free hand into a mudra, lifting it up, or releasing the bind and bringing both hands into prayer position in the center of the chest or over the head. A strap can also be used around the foot or ankle if the bind is not accessible.

It is recommended that this posture be held for at least five breaths, but longer holds of one minute or more can be beneficial. For added challenge and focus, it can be held with the eyes closed.

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