
Last Updated: March 12, 2018

Definition - What does Tuladandasana mean?

Tuladandasana is an advanced balancing asana which requires stability, focus and core strength. The name comes from the Sanskrit tula, meaning “balance”; danda, meaning “stick” or “staff”; and asana, meaning “pose."

In this asana, the body forms a “T.” The arms are raised overhead with the palms facing each other or touching. The back leg lifts off the ground, the anchored leg is straight, and the arms, torso and back leg are parallel with the ground.

Tuladandasana may be commonly referred to in English as balancing stick pose. The asana is also sometimes known as Virabhadrasana 3 (warrior three or flying warrior pose) or eka padasana (one-legged pose).


Yogapedia explains Tuladandasana

In addition to its physical benefits, tuladandasana improves memory, concentration and energy, as well as reduces anxiety and calms the mind.

Traditionally, tuladandasana is believed to stimulate the sahasrara (crown) chakra, thereby providing a connection to the universe and a oneness with the Divine. Activating this chakra brings ego-free serenity, inner peace and joy.

This asana is also part of a series of standing poses in Bikram yoga. In a common variation of the hand position, the fingers are interlaced, then the index fingers are extended forward as if pointing ahead.

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