What can the chakras tell us?


What can the chakras tell us?


One way to think of the chakras is as areas for psychospiritual development. Have you ever experienced butterflies in your stomach when nervous, or a heaviness in your heart when sad? The chakra system is a powerful model to help you to better understand the relationship between your emotions, your energy and your physical body.

(But first, you may be wondering, What is a chakra?)

For optimal physical, mental and spiritual well-being, you want all your chakras to be in balance. Here’s what each one can tell you:

Muladhara (Root Chakra)

When in balance you feel secure, rooted and grounded. You know that you have a right to be here.

When out of balance you may feel financially or emotionally insecure and unsettled. You may also be experiencing digestive issues or problems with your feet and legs.

Svadisthana (Spleen/Sacral Chakra)

When in balance you feel creative, able to enjoy all the sensual pleasures of life. You savor an abundance of connection with others and your own physical body.

When out of balance you may feel disconnected from others and uninspired. You struggle to enjoy life’s pleasures. You may be prone to suffering from a low libido, lower back issues or problems with the reproductive organs.

Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)

When in balance you feel confident and strong. You have a strong sense of self, and you are firm in your own personal power and influence.

When out of balance you can lack willpower and determination. You may suffer from low self-esteem and regularly doubt yourself. Physically, this is associated with problems with the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.

Anahata (Heart Chakra)

When in balance you feel loving and loved, open and connected. You are able to open your heart to others and give and receive love fearlessly and passionately.

When out of balance you might have problems building relationships with others, and may feel vulnerable, needy or unloved. On a physical level, this can manifest as a weakened immune system, problems with your heart, and allergies.

Visuddha (Throat Chakra)

When in balance you feel connected with your own voice, and able to express yourself with honesty and integrity. You are deeply comfortable with both conversation and silence, and know how to balance the two.

When out of balance you might have problems with expressing your truth, and may fear the judgment or rejection of others. Physically, problems with the throat chakra are associated with recurrent sore throats, thyroid issues and asthma.

Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)

When in balance you are guided by your inner wisdom and intuition. You have a great trust in your own ability to navigate your life with insight. You feel creative and connected with the universe.

When out of balance you might feel confused and indecisive, unable to connect with your inner teacher. You may experience headaches and migraines, or problems with the eyes, ears and sinuses.

Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)

When in balance you feel blissful and at peace. You are deeply connected with the universe and the Divine within yourself and you trust that everything is as it should be.

When out of balance you are likely to feel disconnected from the universe. Imbalances in this chakra are associated with a lack of ability to live in the present. You may struggle with anxiety, fear and depression.

(Read on in a related question, How do the chakras help us understand our spiritual growth?)

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Written by Jade Lizzie
Profile Picture of Jade Lizzie

Jade is a yoga teacher, blogger and health and wellness geek. Her mission is to share the happiness that yoga has brought into her life.