
Definition - What does Yogadandasana mean?

Yogadandasana is a powerful seated yoga asana that requires a great deal of flexibility, especially in the hips and pelvis. As well as a range of physical benefits, it is thought to be calming and restful. Its name comes from the Sanskrit, yoga, meaning “to unite,” danda, meaning "staff," and asana, which means "posture" or "seat.” It is so called because it resembles the body using its own leg as a crutch or staff.

Yogadandasana may also be known in English as yogi staff pose.

Yogapedia explains Yogadandasana

Traditionally, yogadandasana, like other hip opening postures is associated with balancing or activating svadisthana chakra. This is the sacral chakra, and working with postures that stimulate this chakra is thought to boost creativity and sensuality. It may help to reduce anxiety or fear of pleasure as well.

The hip-opening nature of the posture may also help to release stuck or stagnant energy or tension from this area, which can also provide an uplifting, empowering or simply balancing effect.

Yogadandasana forms part of the fourth series of Ashtanga yoga and is generally only attempted by very advanced yoga practitioners.

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