
Woman practicing yoga asana of a Simhasana lion pose on green grass among trees in a summer park Woman practicing yoga asana of a Simhasana lion pose on green grass among trees in a summer park Woman practicing yoga asana of a Simhasana lion pose on green grass among trees in a summer park Woman practicing yoga asana of a Simhasana lion pose on green grass among trees in a summer park

Are you scared to do lion's breath? Learn the power this breathing technique has to chase away negativity and you might find yourself...

tristhana lotus flower tristhana lotus flower tristhana lotus flower tristhana lotus flower

Tristhana is the incorporation of the three elements of ashtanga vinyasa. Learn how your gaze, your breath and your movements work to...

woman meditating in a farmers field woman meditating in a farmers field woman meditating in a farmers field woman meditating in a farmers field

Is resistance blocking you from accepting the present moment? Develop resilience and face life's challenges without becoming stuck.

woman in warrior ii yoga pose next to river with mountains and trees in background woman in warrior ii yoga pose next to river with mountains and trees in background woman in warrior ii yoga pose next to river with mountains and trees in background woman in warrior ii yoga pose next to river with mountains and trees in background

Using nature and all our senses as a means of tapping into the beauty of our innate connection with one another and the planet, Bill’s...

smiling woman with long hair in black and white smiling woman with long hair in black and white smiling woman with long hair in black and white smiling woman with long hair in black and white

Regard your breath as your best friend and ally. It’s there for you whenever you need it and the more awareness you bring to it, the better...

person in jacket and hat sitting on mountaintop above clouds person in jacket and hat sitting on mountaintop above clouds person in jacket and hat sitting on mountaintop above clouds person in jacket and hat sitting on mountaintop above clouds

Stress and anxiety have a way of controlling your life. Meditation can change that. Learn how to calm your mind and find relief.

portrait of black woman with braids holding hand to face portrait of black woman with braids holding hand to face portrait of black woman with braids holding hand to face portrait of black woman with braids holding hand to face

The never-ending disturbances caused by smart phones and technology necessitates the revival of one of life’s lost arts: concentration....

small daisy flower being held next to blue eye with mascara small daisy flower being held next to blue eye with mascara small daisy flower being held next to blue eye with mascara small daisy flower being held next to blue eye with mascara

Meditating helps us to come out of autopilot and see our inner workings for what they are. Here are three ways you may find a meditation...

small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up small yellow flower held between two hands with palms up

In Tonglen meditation, we take in the pain of others on an in breath, and send out healing vibes and thoughts on our out breath. Here's how...

How to Practice Ujjayi Pranayama How to Practice Ujjayi Pranayama How to Practice Ujjayi Pranayama How to Practice Ujjayi Pranayama

Yoga teachers talk about ‘ujjayi breath’ a lot. But what is it, and how do you do it? Here's a guide explaining everything you need to know...

4 Pranayama for Combatting Anxiety 4 Pranayama for Combatting Anxiety 4 Pranayama for Combatting Anxiety 4 Pranayama for Combatting Anxiety

Here are some pranayama that are recommendable for working with anxiety. Using them can be preventative measures to keep your anxiety in...

Bumblebee Breath: The Power of Bhramari Pranayama Bumblebee Breath: The Power of Bhramari Pranayama Bumblebee Breath: The Power of Bhramari Pranayama Bumblebee Breath: The Power of Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari pranayama, also called bumblebee breath, is a brilliant breathing technique to reduce stress and anxiety, and manage overwhelming...

Chanting: Align With Life Chanting: Align With Life Chanting: Align With Life Chanting: Align With Life

By bringing a deep, internal vibration to our breath, we can harness its power to release physical tension and cultivate concentration.

5 Ways You Can Naturally Relax With Just Your Breath 5 Ways You Can Naturally Relax With Just Your Breath 5 Ways You Can Naturally Relax With Just Your Breath 5 Ways You Can Naturally Relax With Just Your Breath

Happy National Relaxation Day! Here are 5 ways breathing techniques can help you take the edge off naturally.

Kapalbhati versus Bhastrika: Comparing Two Powerful Pranayama Practices Kapalbhati versus Bhastrika: Comparing Two Powerful Pranayama Practices Kapalbhati versus Bhastrika: Comparing Two Powerful Pranayama Practices Kapalbhati versus Bhastrika: Comparing Two Powerful Pranayama Practices

Kapalbhati and Bhastrika pranayama help to cleanse and energize your body, but they aren't the same. Here's the difference between two (and...

Meditation & Mindfulness: What's the Difference? Meditation & Mindfulness: What's the Difference? Meditation & Mindfulness: What's the Difference? Meditation & Mindfulness: What's the Difference?

Mindfulness and meditation get a lot of attention, but what's the difference between these two practices? Here's what these two techniques...

Balancing Your Manipura: How to Realign Your Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Your Manipura: How to Realign Your Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Your Manipura: How to Realign Your Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Your Manipura: How to Realign Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura, or solar plexus chakra, is the seat of your personal power. When it's unbalanced we can feel self-doubt or a lack of confidence....

Dirgha Pranayama: An Introduction to Three-Part Breath Dirgha Pranayama: An Introduction to Three-Part Breath Dirgha Pranayama: An Introduction to Three-Part Breath Dirgha Pranayama: An Introduction to Three-Part Breath

Feeling anxious, stressed or even just a little short of breath? Dirgha Pranayama, a simple, 3-part breathing technique can help you feel...

Hidden Magic: The Power of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Hidden Magic: The Power of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Hidden Magic: The Power of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Hidden Magic: The Power of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, or alternate nostril breathing, is a powerful cleansing breath, but not a technique that is always well explained....