Free Guides Library

Want to expand your meditation practice? Strengthen your daily sadhana? Learn how to tap into your chakras? These in-depth guides and resources break down some of the most important aspects of yoga in order to help you get the most out of your sadhana.

In encouraging energy to flow freely, Reiki provides a sense of deep relaxation and healing that can be. This guide provides an introduction to reiki and how it can help to clean the energetic blocks in your body.
Yoga nidra means 'yogic sleep.' It is a powerful practice for relaxation. Learn all about how yoga nidra works and the benefits this calming practice can bring to your mind, body and spirit in this free guide!
This guide provides an introduction to the seven chakras and what they're responsible for in your body. Understand the energy flowing through you with this comprehensive guide!
This comprehensive guide to mindfulness provides you with an introduction to the practice of mindfulness and how to include it in your life and yoga practice.
A comprehensive guide to mantras: what they mean, how to use them, and how to choose one that fits your meditation practice.

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